About Our Workshop

Comprehensive, faith-based job search workshops that focusing on the overall needs of those seeking employment.

Welcome to the Career Alliance Quarterly Job Search Workshops! Our workshops are meticulously crafted to offer job seekers a highly effective and comprehensive job search system, providing a holistic view of the entire program. We take pride in delivering a complete job search action plan, guiding you on what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and why it matters.

With the Career Alliance workshops, you can gain a clear understanding of the job search process, enabling you to approach it with confidence and purpose. Our goal is to equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge to make your job search journey a successful one.

Join us in the upcoming workshop to unlock valuable insights and strategies that will significantly enhance your job search efforts. Whether you are a seasoned professional looking to advance your career or a new graduate eager to embark on your professional path, our workshops are tailored to meet your needs.

Together, we will navigate the intricacies of the job market, ensuring you are well-prepared to seize opportunities and achieve your career aspirations. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to empower yourself with a well-rounded job search plan.

Join us at the next Career Alliance Quarterly Job Search Workshop and take the next step towards a brighter future!


The workshop is thoughtfully organized into four main sections, aptly named “Experiences.” We have planned two engaging Experiences for the morning session, followed by two equally captivating Experiences in the afternoon. This structured approach ensures a dynamic and well-paced day filled with valuable insights and knowledge.


Building confidence based on an Honest Self-Audit


Being in control by identifying Target Companies and creating a Selling Resume

Cultivating Champions

Finding key people who can help through focused Networking

Conversational Interviews

Creating a “level playing field” by asking open-ended questions during the interview


The Career Alliance job search workshops cater to a diverse audience, extending beyond individuals seeking to secure a new job in a short timeframe of 4 to 8 weeks. Our workshops are thoughtfully curated to benefit two other important groups:

Career Shift Seekers: If you are contemplating a career shift but feel uncertain about where to begin, our workshops are designed to guide and support you in making informed decisions. We provide valuable insights and resources to help you navigate this transition with confidence, empowering you to take the next step towards a fulfilling career change.

Career Advancement Aspirants: For those who aspire to progress in their current profession and achieve their overall career goals, attending our workshops can be a game-changer. We offer tailored guidance to determine the necessary steps for securing a promotion and unlocking new opportunities for professional growth.

Whether you are seeking a new job, contemplating a career change, or aiming to advance within your current field, our job search workshops are here to assist you on your journey to success.


Each section of the Discovery: Career Marketing had information that I was able to utilize in my search and eventual landing of a new career position. I highly recommend that anyone in career transition attend the five-week course as well as the other Career Alliance offerings each Wednesday.

Michael K.


Career Alliance gave me the motivation to keep on going and the reassurance I needed to focus more on networking vs applying online to open positions. Thank You for all you do.

Monica M.

Quit the Job Boards

Per the recommendation at Career Alliance I quit looking for jobs at the job boards and networked more than ever. I returned from a trade show {in my industry} with four hot leads one of which was a landing for me.

Ron W.

Star Stories

Career Alliance helped me to keep the faith that our Heavenly Father has a plan, although it didn’t seem that way. The STAR Stories were also extremely helpful. I just took control of the conversation {interview} by redirecting to my STAR Stories. To prove I had a history of success.

Henry C.


Since becoming unemployed nearly 10 months ago, I had participated in several network groups in the DFW area. While they are all good, I found the level of sincerity and compassion at the Career Alliance Ministry at St. Jude’s to be the highest among these groups. The focus on God’s calling in the career search was truly inspirational.

Amelia L.


Key job search ingredients for me was LinkedIn. That is what got my last two interviews and what landed me the job. I reconnected with contacts I had and informed them I was looking for work. Career Alliance was a great help because it really helped me in brushing up on my skills to best market myself. Networking with people vs being in front of a computer all day submitting or searching online was also a moral boost.

Cheryl W.


Thank you for the ministry of Career Alliance at St. Jude’s. The program helped me in many practical ways. The networking opportunities and real world tips for the job search were great, but perhaps most importantly for me, it provided structure during the transition. The program stressed the importance of communicating to a potential employer how I can help them, and not the other way round. I believe this perspective and focus, more than anything else, helped me land the new job.

Ty S.


Although I participated in other career search organizations, I felt a kindred connection to the Christ Centered Career Group at St. Jude. Everyone is so caring and helpful. St. Jude’s Career Alliance program offers a road map for job seekers. It helps you be thoughtful and organized. They also have phenomenal speakers who offer insight and motivation. It is a program worth participating in.



I wanted to let you know that I am thankful and appreciate all that you and the St.Jude’s Career Alliance group do to help people. I’ve missed the last couple weeks (because I am working again!). I am back at work – the employer that let me go is the same one that re-hired me. I look ahead with hope knowing that I’ve made it through perhaps my toughest time yet.



Thank you so much for your encouragement, prayers, resume assistance and for your fellowship!



This is to notify you that I GOT A J-O-B! Thank you for all of the enjoyable meetings I attended at your parish, and for the care and compassionate assistance you offer to job-seekers!



I will start my new position … tomorrow. I truly appreciate all the encouragement from the participants at St. Jude Career Alliance. My prayers and good wishes are with all of those wonderful people. Thanks for all of your help during this time of transition for me. May God bless all of you.



Thank you for your support and your work with the Career Alliance. I learned a lot of important things about myself during this job transition and St. Jude was a big part of it. The techniques for uncovering your own, unique, God-given talents and the job search methods are extremely effective.



Thank you for all that you have done to support me in my job quest. I sure appreciate the efforts of Career Alliance. I have met some great people through this group. I appreciate all the prayers and guidance. The faith based workshop is outstanding. I thank God for His guidance.

Steve W.

SJCA Workshop Presentation


Registration and Fee

Parties interested in participating in this job search workshop will need to register. We offer online registration at https://www.osvhub.com/stjudeparish/forms/career-alliance-quarterly-workshop. This link connects to a registration form that includes a payment button. Registration forms cannot be submitted until payment is made.  Please click the button below if you are ready to register for the workshop.

The registration fee for the Job Search Workshop is $25. The fee will include a copy of The Champion Way: Land Your Dream Job in 4 to 8 Weeks, the career development guide on which this job search workshop is based, plus lunch, drinks and snacks. 

Workshop for Everyone

We extend a warm invitation to all members of the community, regardless of faith, ethnicity, age, or background. This all-day event is open to everyone, and we wholeheartedly welcome each and every individual!

At Career Alliance, we believe in fostering an inclusive and supportive environment where people from all walks of life can come together to learn and grow. Our focus is on empowering job seekers with valuable skills, knowledge, and resources, guided by the principles of faith, compassion, and community.

Whether you are seeking new job opportunities, exploring career transitions, or aiming to enhance your job search strategies, we are here to support you on your journey to success. Embrace the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and gain valuable insights that will propel you toward your professional goals.

Join us at the Career Alliance Quarterly Job Search Workshop and let us embark on this empowering journey together. We look forward to having you as part of our inclusive and diverse community!

For the dates and location of our Job Search Workshops, please visit our Event Calendar or click the button below.

Get In Touch

(972) 727-1177


1515 N. Greenville Ave.
Allen, TX 75002



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